IdeaS is dedicated to René François Deschenaux born on June 8th, 1909 and dead on September 8th, 1981 and to Juliette Deschenaux born Poscia on November 15th, 1908 and dead on May 26, 1992 my beloved grand-parents.


Je te souhaite d'abord que tu aimes
Et qu'en aimant, tu sois à ton tour aimé.
Et, si ce n'est pas le cas, que tu puisses vite oublier
Et qu’après avoir oublié, tu ne gardes aucune rancune.
Je ne souhaite pas que cela en soit ainsi, mais si c’est le cas
Que tu saches « être » sans désespérer.

Je te souhaite aussi que tu aies des amis,
Et même s'ils sont mauvais et inconséquents,
Qu'ils soient vaillants et fidèles.
Et qu’entre eux, il y ait au moins un,
À qui tu puisses te confier sans crainte.

Et parce que la vie est ainsi faite,
Je te souhaite aussi que tu aies des ennemis.
Ni trop, ni trop peu, juste la bonne mesure, pour que parfois,
Tu puisses questionner tes propres certitudes.
Et que parmi eux, il y ait au moins un qui soit juste,
Pour que tu ne te sentes pas trop sûr de toi...

Je te souhaite aussi que tu sois utile,
Mais point irremplaçable. Et que dans les mauvais moments,
Quand il ne te restera plus rien,
Que cette utilité t’aide à te maintenir debout.

De la même manière, je te souhaite aussi que tu sois tolérant.
Pas avec ceux qui se trompent peu, parce que cela est facile,
Sinon avec ceux qui se trompent beaucoup et inévitablement.
Et que faisant bon usage de cette tolérance,
Que tu serves d’exemple à d’autres. (...)

Je te souhaite de ce pas, que tu sois triste.
Pas toute l’année sinon à peine un jour.
Mais que ce jour, tu découvres que le rire journalier est bon,
Que le rire habituel est ennuyeux et que le rire constant est malsain. (...)

Et si toutes ces choses viennent à t’arriver,
Je n’ai plus rien d’autre à te souhaiter.

Victor Hugo

Make Good Art

Background This speech was delivered as the keynote address for the May 17, 2012 commencement ceremony at The University of the Arts. delivered by Neil Gaiman Speech Transcript I never really expected to find myself giving advice to people graduating from an establishment of higher education. I never graduated from any such establishment. I never even started at one. I escaped from school as soon as I could, when the prospect of four more years of enforced learning before I’d become the writer I wanted to be was stifling. I

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Les Neuf Etapes pour Croître vers la Plénitude

Knowing that expectations of others are illusions that lead to disappointment or anger The problems with those around us come from the fact that we want: their approval control them in their actions or reactions expectations destroy the enjoyment of reality, here and now. It is impossible to change another person; we can, on the other hand, change what we recognize in ourselves. Personal suffering, on the moral plane, comes from resistance to what is. All negative ways of being are based on fear. Forgiveness ends all suffering and all

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Les Règles pour la direction de l’esprit

is an unfinished work by René Descartes. The book contains rules for directing one’s mind. Among the 21 rules stated, only the first 18 are commented on by Descartes. Rules The aim of our studies must be the direction of our mind so that it may form solid and true judgments on whatever matters arise. We must occupy ourselves only with those objects that our intellectual powers appear competent to know certainly and indubitably. As regards any subject we propose to investigate, we must inquire not what other people have

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Measuring Politician’s Performance

In my opinion, in 2020, we are still in the medieval period of politics. Any unqualified idiot can be elected to any function. There is no legal requirement for a minister of health to be a Medicinae Doctor, nor for the minister of urbanism to be an architect or a civil engineer, nor for the minister of Defense to have any military qualification. It is enough for him to have ideas that we like and be fair in rhetorics, as if s/he could manage with her/his ideas and words… Moreover,

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IdeaS to improve the World

Since birth, I never liked politics. Even when I joined a municipal elections candidates team at age 18, I have always considered politics like the worst kind of bullshit, boring endless discussions without proper facts and arguments over ego-trips. As the world is managed by ego-tripped politicians who are the origins of most laws, (maybe I just accidentally found the reasons for most of problems on this planet!), I, as totally anti-political by nature, decided to communicate my political and sometimes philosophical ideas in this website. NO, I have ABSOLUTELY

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