In my opinion, in 2020, we are still in the medieval period of politics.
Any unqualified idiot can be elected to any function. There is no legal requirement for a minister of health to be a Medicinae Doctor, nor for the minister of urbanism to be an architect or a civil engineer, nor for the minister of Defense to have any military qualification.
It is enough for him to have ideas that we like and be fair in rhetorics, as if s/he could manage with her/his ideas and words…
Moreover, every politician wants to be elected and the higher function the better. It does not matter if s/he is part of a government that is made out of totally unqualified people.
As every politician always shows his picture with a slogan for his campaign, here is my idea to change that:

Which key data could we put in the space freed around his picture?
His ego would be intact -if he were alive, of course!
But the four free spaces in the angles of his picture could be used to put some percentages.
Top left corner:
difference of homeless population in percentage between before and after his past mandate on the territory s/he managed.
Top right corner:
difference of crime rate in percentage before and after her/his past mandate on the territory s/he managed.
Bottom left corner:
difference of administration’s costs compared to cost of living index in percentage between before and after his past mandate on the territory s/he managed.
Bottom right corner:
difference in percentage of average salary before and after her/his past mandate on the territory s/he managed.
To take this idea to the top, I think each politician should inherit the figures of the territory s/he managed, be it a municipality, a state or a country, and that these figures should be added to the previous one.
This way, over time, a poorly performing politician whould have bad figures and would see her/his chances to be re-elected diminished at least.
Moreover a good politician would not accept to be elected in a bad government by fear of inheriting the bad results of that government.
In conclusion, the basic idea is to measure the true politician’s performance during her/his mandate and the world not to be fooled by words any more. It does not matter if he is of the executive, legislative or judiciary power, what matters is we need skilled people at the top!
Do you have any other better ideas on how to use these spaces?
Please do not hesitate to comment, criticize, replace or even realize this idea, or even a better or healthier derivative thereof. I cannot wait to read smart comments and critics!