IdeaS is dedicated to René François Deschenaux born on June 8th, 1909 and dead on September 8th, 1981 and to Juliette Deschenaux born Poscia on November 15th, 1908 and dead on May 26, 1992 my beloved grand-parents.


I wish for you, first of all, that you love,
And that in loving, you are loved in return.
And if that is not the case, that you may quickly forget,
And that after forgetting, you hold no resentment.
I do not wish it so, but if it should happen,
That you may know how to endure without despair.

I also wish for you to have friends,
And even if they are flawed and inconsistent,
May they be brave and loyal.
And among them, at least one,
In whom you can confide without fear.

And because life is as it is,
I also wish for you to have enemies.
Not too many, not too few, just the right number, so that sometimes,
You may question your own certainties.
And among them, may there be at least one who is fair,
So that you do not become too self-assured.

I wish for you also to be useful,
But not irreplaceable. And that in hard times,
When you have nothing left,
That your usefulness sustains you.

In the same way, I wish for you to be tolerant.
Not with those who make few mistakes, for that is easy,
But with those who err greatly and inevitably.
And in making good use of that tolerance,
May you serve as an example to others.

I also wish for you to experience sadness.
Not all year long, but just for a day.
But on that day, may you discover that daily laughter is good,
That habitual laughter is dull, and that constant laughter is unhealthy.

And if all these things come to you,
I have nothing else left to wish for you.

Victor Hugo

Make Good Art

Background This speech was delivered as the keynote address for the May 17, 2012 commencement ceremony at The University of the Arts. delivered by Neil Gaiman Speech Transcript I never really expected to find myself giving advice to people graduating from an establishment of higher education. I never graduated from any such establishment. I never even started at one. I escaped from school as soon as I could, when the prospect of four more years of enforced learning before I’d become the writer I wanted to be was stifling. I

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The Nine Steps to Grow to Fullness

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Rules for the Direction of the Mind

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Measuring Politician’s Performance

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IdeaS to improve the World

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