IdeaS is dedicated to René François Deschenaux born on June 8th, 1909 and dead on September 8th, 1981 and to Juliette Deschenaux born Poscia on November 15th, 1908 and dead on May 26, 1992 my beloved grand-parents.

Make Good Art

Background This speech was delivered as the keynote address for the May 17, 2012 commencement ceremony at The University of the Arts. delivered by Neil Gaiman Speech Transcript I never really expected to find myself giving advice to people graduating from an establishment of higher education. I never graduated from any such establishment. I never … 阅读更多

The Nine Steps to Grow to Fullness

Knowing that expectations of others are illusions that lead to disappointment or anger The problems with those around us come from the fact that we want: their approval control them in their actions or reactions expectations destroy the enjoyment of reality, here and now. It is impossible to change another person; we can, on the … 阅读更多

IdeaS to improve the World

Since birth, I never liked politics. Even when I joined a municipal elections candidates team at age 18, I have always considered politics like the worst kind of bullshit, boring endless discussions without proper facts and arguments over ego-trips. As the world is managed by ego-tripped politicians who are the origins of most laws, (maybe … 阅读更多

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Office 1

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